Our Factory

Our head office is located right next to our factory in Kerobokan, . In most fashion companies, the office and factory are completely separate entities, but we find having the two together helps us to work more effectively. If our designers need a sample, for instance, we get it in just a few hours. We have a quick fitting in the office to show our pattern-maker how the design works, and they can then make any necessary adjustments immediately.

Our factory employs pattern makers, sample tailors, production tailors, cutters, quality controllers, production managers, packers and warehouse managers. We have our whole production cycle right here in , from designing through to cutting, tailoring then retailing to our shops.

Our factory is always open for customers who would like to see how we operate: We believe in full transparency and we believe you should be able to know who makes your clothes and under what conditions.

Our normal working day is eight hours. If our workers want over-time, they can take it; sometimes, if they have families, they can take things to sew at home and be paid by the piece. It’s important to us that our staff come from a mix of backgrounds ; it’s partly practical but it also keeps our workplace multicultural and harmonious. We respect the religion of each staff member, and they get the holidays they need to meet their religious obligations, whether they be Hindu, Muslim or Christian.

Our staff play soccer together once a week, while on the last Friday of the month we celebrate the birthdays of people over the previous month with a big donut party. Once a year we have a fun outing together as a group, such as going white-water rafting.

Our Staff

Pak Rahmat

Pak Rahmat is in charge of all our fabric stock. Over the past seven years, together with our production manager he has developed a highly streamlined system to ensure our fabric is exactly where it needs to be, when it needs to be there—no small feat when you are producing as many items as we are for each collection. When you need something, you ask Pak Rachmat where it is!

Pak Wayan

Pak Wayan is one of our pattern makers and has been with us for five years. With just a quick look at anything we scribble on paper, he is able to magically transform our ideas into concrete reality, often adding smart details in the process. Pak Wayan is hands on and energetic: If we don’t have any patterns for him to create, he dives in to help with the cutting, or spends time teaching a newer pattern maker the tricks of the trade. His wife has now started working for us from home as well on our au.thentic range, so these days BuddhaWear is a family affair for them.

Ibu Kadek has been with us from the start of BuddhaWear, more than 12 years ago. When our co-founder Joy first came to 14 years ago, she created her own label first by making small pieces herself, and then as she grew, she brought Ibu Kadek on board. When Ibu Kadek's children were small, she brought them to work with her. Now they are older, they don’t come any more, but still Ibu Kadek reliably works for us, and is an integral part of our closely knit team.

Ibu Kadek